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Five Product Must-Haves to Blow Out Your Natural Hair

Within the natural hair community, many naturals believe that using a heat protectant product protects the hair from heat damage when using tools such as blow dryers and irons. However, the truth is that actual heat protection is a full process that involves properly prepping and priming the hair for heat exposure.

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natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls

5 Green Flags When Choosing a Hair Stylist to Partner With

Listen, when it comes to our hair, we want to be able to entrust our strands to a caring and dedicated pro that will make all of our realistic expectations come true. Although the red flags of choosing a hair stylist are heard loud and clear, we want to point out 5 green flags to note when vetting a licensed professional.

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natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls

3 Tips to Help Achieve Optimal Curl Definition for Wash & Go’s

Amongst the natural hair community, we often hear that many tight curlies + naturals cannot get curl definition that lasts longer than a few days. As a professional tight curl education company, we’re here to offer you 3 easy tips to help you achieve optimal curl definition when styling your wash and go.

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natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls

3 Steps to Take When You Have Over Cleansed Your Natural Hair

“Wait, it’s possible to over cleanse your hair?” Yes, you can over cleanse your hair and believe or not it happens quite often. We have heard from curlies even using clarifying shampoo weekly and bi-weekly in their hair routine. Alternatively, we have come across tight curlies + naturals who are using strong shampoos that are not well suited for their fine hair strands. This blog post will outline 3 steps that you can take if you have fallen victim to over cleansing your natural hair.

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natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls

4 Tips to Inspire Your Child to Fall In Love With Their Natural Hair

Building a positive relationship with your child’s hair starts the same way as your relationship with your hair. Learning the child’s essential elements and crafting a good dose of patience with the routine that will be suited to your particular child. This blog post will offer four tips on how you can inspire your child to fall in love with their own natural hair.

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natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls

How Naturals Can Turn Wash Day Into Wash Hour

Bridgeet, a tight curly + natural, recently shared her detailed Wash Hour routine. We shared her video on our professional Instagram channel and we have been blown away by the amount of positive feedback and love the natural hair community has poured into her video. C’mon tight curl representation! We truly love to see it and it warms our hearts as educators when you all nail down your hair care routines.

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natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls

Humidity, Dew Point, Humectants & Why It All Matters for Natural Hair

Although many tight curlies + naturals may not want to hear this, we cannot control the weather conditions. The weather is going to weather as simple as that and humid conditions will unfortunately have an impact on your hair. This blog post will explain why humidity, dew point and humectants matter for natural hair.

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