hey curlfriend, hey.
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Five Product Must-Haves to Blow Out Your Natural Hair
Within the natural hair community, many naturals believe that using a heat protectant product protects the hair from heat damage when using tools such as blow dryers and irons. However, the truth is that actual heat protection is a full process that involves properly prepping and priming the hair for heat exposure.
5 Tips for Using Flexi Rods on Blown Out Natural Hair
Flexi rod sets are foam curlers that are flexible enough to bend around your hair and secure its position. However, your technique is everything when it comes down to flexi rod sets. This blog post will provide five tips for using flexi rods on blown out, natural hair.
3 Tips for Stretching Your Natural Hair
Now that the weather is getting cooler, we know that many naturals like to wear their hair in a variety of stretched styles, such as blow outs, rod sets, flat twists and more. This blog post will explore three easy tips for stretching your natural hair.
5 Green Flags When Choosing a Hair Stylist to Partner With
Listen, when it comes to our hair, we want to be able to entrust our strands to a caring and dedicated pro that will make all of our realistic expectations come true. Although the red flags of choosing a hair stylist are heard loud and clear, we want to point out 5 green flags to note when vetting a licensed professional.
3 Tips to Help Achieve Optimal Curl Definition for Wash & Go’s
Amongst the natural hair community, we often hear that many tight curlies + naturals cannot get curl definition that lasts longer than a few days. As a professional tight curl education company, we’re here to offer you 3 easy tips to help you achieve optimal curl definition when styling your wash and go.
3 Steps to Take When You Have Over Cleansed Your Natural Hair
“Wait, it’s possible to over cleanse your hair?” Yes, you can over cleanse your hair and believe or not it happens quite often. We have heard from curlies even using clarifying shampoo weekly and bi-weekly in their hair routine. Alternatively, we have come across tight curlies + naturals who are using strong shampoos that are not well suited for their fine hair strands. This blog post will outline 3 steps that you can take if you have fallen victim to over cleansing your natural hair.
4 Tips to Inspire Your Child to Fall In Love With Their Natural Hair
Building a positive relationship with your child’s hair starts the same way as your relationship with your hair. Learning the child’s essential elements and crafting a good dose of patience with the routine that will be suited to your particular child. This blog post will offer four tips on how you can inspire your child to fall in love with their own natural hair.
Stylist’s Corner: When & Why to Use a Leave-In Conditioner for Natural Hair
Within the tight curl + natural social media spaces, there seems to be some lingering questions regarding leave-in conditioners. Black Girl Curls would like to shed some light on leave-in conditioners to help provide clarity on where this product may fit into your hair care routine.
The Ultimate Prime Day 2023 Natural Hair Shopping Guide
As many of you may know—Prime Day is quickly approaching (July 11-12). We often get asked what are the “best” products to use for natural hair. We’re excited to share that Black Girl Curls officially has an Amazon Storefront where you can shop recommended hair products, tools, accessories and more.
5 Steps to Help Create A Seamless Wash Day for Your Child
Working with the tiniest humans in our lives can be full of challenges, especially when it involves the cleansing, conditioning and styling of their natural hair. This blog post will outline five steps that you can take for your next wash day to make cleansing a breeze—both for you and your child.
5 Things the Natural Hair Community Was Absolutely Wrong About
We’ve been debunking quite a few popular natural hair myths over in our social spaces that have received quite the response. As licensed stylists and tight curl educators, we wanted to share a few more myths that the natural hair community had absolutely wrong.
3 Ways to Use Conditioner for Your Natural Hair
Conditioner reduces the swelling, shuts the cuticle down and leaves a layer of protection on the hair. Shampoo should always be followed up by a rinse out conditioner. This blog post will explain 3 ways that you can use your conditioner during your hair care routine.
How Naturals Can Turn Wash Day Into Wash Hour
Bridgeet, a tight curly + natural, recently shared her detailed Wash Hour routine. We shared her video on our professional Instagram channel and we have been blown away by the amount of positive feedback and love the natural hair community has poured into her video. C’mon tight curl representation! We truly love to see it and it warms our hearts as educators when you all nail down your hair care routines.
Humidity, Dew Point, Humectants & Why It All Matters for Natural Hair
Although many tight curlies + naturals may not want to hear this, we cannot control the weather conditions. The weather is going to weather as simple as that and humid conditions will unfortunately have an impact on your hair. This blog post will explain why humidity, dew point and humectants matter for natural hair.
3 Ways to Refresh Your Natural Hair
Products that are marketed as “curl refreshers” and spray bottles filled with water do nothing and can actually disturb your set. By wetting the hair, you are taking a style out of its set and making it wet again. This can promote additional frizz, “crunchy” curls and less longevity.
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Air Dry Your Natural Hair
Behind the chair, it’s not unusual for us to see folks who have gone three to five years without a haircut. This results in reduced length retention, breakage, split ends, which can lead to the need for a drastic big chop. This blog post will explain 3 things to know about corrective cuts.
3 Things to Know About Heat Styling Free Mini Guide
In this free mini guide, we explain the difference between direct and indirect heat, how to properly prep your hair before heat styling and more.
10 Things Used to Evaluate Natural Hair Free Mini Guide
In this free mini guide, we explain what licensed cosmetologists actually use to evaluate your hair, known as the Essential Elements.
6 Things to Know About Curly Cuts Free Mini Guide
In this free mini guide, we explain what is a curly cut, who it is for, and how to choose a haircut that best suits you.
5 Reasons Why Your Natural Hair is Dry Free Mini Guide
In this free mini guide, we address five reasons why your natural hair is dry and how to remedy it.