4 Reasons to #SeeSomeCurls This Thanksgiving Season

As many of us are anticipating being with family and friends at some point this week, the inevitable “Baby, are you gonna do something with that hair?” is bound to come up.

It literally never fails. Some family member you see once a year is going to reach a turkey juice soaked finger up to your curls just to “see” and exclaim “Oh I could never go natural! My hair just doesn’t do that.”

Deep sigh . . .

It’s enough to book a not so quick appointment at our nearest Egyptian (y’all know we’re from Chicago right), Dominican, or blow dry bar salon for a silky hairdo. But this holiday season we are challenging tight curlies + naturals to #SeeSomeCurls!

Here’s 4 reasons why:

#1. Simplicity: Who wants to be worried about sleeping cute before or after a spectacular Thanksgiving feast and epic post meal couch lounging?

#2. Curlships: The minis and elders are watching even if they don’t say anything. We find that one natural in a family can inspire others to give it a try.

#3. Curl Pattern: All that hard work of transitioning, twa, and in between stages coupled with just finally mastering your twist out and/or wash and go. Is it really worth one day of straight hair a year to risk any degree of thermal reconditioning? (FYI: heat damage isn’t a thing in our world unless your hair is about to break off.)

#4. Identity: For some of us our curls are super integral part of who we are. The holidays are a time be comfortable, be you, and #SeeSomeCurls as you do the other 364 days a year.

We see you, we love you and if no one else tells you this today:

  1. You are beautiful!

  2. Your curls are so fly!

  3. That outfit is bringing it sis!

  4. What’s going on outside of that living room, dining room, and kitchen ain’t nobody’s business but yours!

We hope that you are able to celebrate or not celebrate today in a way that edifies your soul. We hope that #SeeSomeCurls has inspired you to face the good and bad comments with the same cool that Bruno Mars sings “You can’t tell me I ain’t fly.” *Insert popped collar.*

From Black Girl Curls, we wish you a peaceful and present Thanksgiving no matter how/where/if you celebrate!

P.S. Black Friday is well, Friday, and all of the product companies are gearing up for their huge blowout sales. We know your credit cards are primed and ready to add to your already vast collection of shampoos, conditioners, and stylers. We want to ask though, do you really need more products or are you looking for THEE products to finally give you what you want?


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