hey curlfriend, hey.
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3 Steps to Take When You Have Over Cleansed Your Natural Hair
“Wait, it’s possible to over cleanse your hair?” Yes, you can over cleanse your hair and believe or not it happens quite often. We have heard from curlies even using clarifying shampoo weekly and bi-weekly in their hair routine. Alternatively, we have come across tight curlies + naturals who are using strong shampoos that are not well suited for their fine hair strands. This blog post will outline 3 steps that you can take if you have fallen victim to over cleansing your natural hair.
What’s the Best Shampoo for Natural Hair?
As licensed stylists and tight curl educators, if we had a dollar for each time we were asked what the “best” product for something was, we’d have a yacht the size of Beyonce’s, no lie! It’s never a matter of what the “best” or even the worst something is, it all comes down to your desired result. How do you want to show up in the world each day?
5 Easy Tips to Make Shampooing Your Natural Hair a Breeze
The Wash Hour Process frequency should be determined by your unique Essential Elements. Frequency can range anywhere from every other day to every two weeks. These 5 shampoo tips listed below are sure to add some ease to your next wash hour session.