3 Tips to Help Spread the Word to Simple Natural Hair Care
If you’ve followed Black Girl Curls for a while on social media or invested in one of our paid resource options like our Wash Your Damn Hair Digital Book or our SeeSomeCurls Visual Library, how many times have you been chased down in your local Target or grocery store with people asking what you used on your natural hair?
“Did you twist it up? What products did you use? What is it?”
Trust us, you’re not alone and it’s a clear indicator that you’re out here killing the game in these real world streets. However, we want to kindly remind you all what it was like for you when you were a newcomer to simple natural hair care.
We know it’s exciting to learn something new and shout it from the mountain tops when you’re getting the results that you desire for your hair, but everyone simply may not be ready. Here are 3 tips we suggest for helping out new curlfriends:
Tip #1: Does the Unassuming Person Look Ready for this Conversation?
As mentioned above, think of yourself before you found Black Girl Curls education and we first told you to toss out your raw oils and butters. Not everyone is ready for the mindset shift needed to start this journey, and that’s okay!
Tip #2: Decide How Much Time You Have
This is a big one. As soon as you let someone know that you achieved a bomb wash and go under 90 mins with just gel and no raw oils or butters, their heads may just explode in the aisle. This can quickly turn into a super long drawn out conversation with a lot of “what” and “why’s.” You have to decide if you have the 15 minutes or more to explain. If not, we have something that you can share! Just keep reading.
Tip #3: Don’t Try to Be The Educator
We believe it’s best for a person to get the message and education from the source itself. Although it may be exciting and feel like you’re truly helping out, don’t try to teach them yourself. The courses and work needed cannot be explained in 15 minutes, so we don’t even try. Trust us, a person will seek out Black Girl Curls when they’re ready.
If you’re every stopped out in public with someone asking for your wash and go details, share this image with them! You can download this image to your mobile device, and the person can scan the QR code with their camera to sign up to our email list. We appreciate you all being excited in our education and sharing us with other curlfriends far and wide!
Save this image to your camera roll and have the other person scan the QR code!