3 Tips for a Successful Blow Out on Natural Hair
Aishia, co-founder of Black Girl Curls rocking a blow out + soft body curls.
During fall season, we find that many naturals tend to want to blow their hair out or get silk presses. And over at Black Girl Curls, we love a nice switch up!
Contrary to popular belief, heat is not a bad word or something that should be avoided at all costs. Heat styling can be done safely when have a solid hare care routine and you’re knowledgeable on how to go about it. This blog post will outline 3 tips for a successful blow out on natural hair.
#1: Clean Hair Is a Must
Clean hair is an absolute must! You want to make sure that your hair is free and clear of any dirt, oil or build up before heat styling. Based on your lifestyle, we typically recommend that naturals cleanse their hair every 7 to 10 days. You never want to heat style on dirty or oily hair.
#2: Be Sure that You Have the Proper Tools
It’s imperative that you have the proper tools for blow out prep. Your hair prep is super important to the final look and finish of your blow out. The goal is to make sure that your blow out is smooth, so you want to make sure you have a heat protectant (for those with coarse hair, a creme), and a serum to apply to your hair before you start your blow out.
#3: Work with Your Hair in Sections
Working in sections is key to organizing your hair for your blow out. You want to ensure that your sections aren’t too large so that you can get your desired amount of smoothness. You also want to make sure that your sections aren’t too small so you don’t spend an entire work shift doing your blow out, because who has time for that?
Want more specific tips or product recommendations regarding blow outs or heat styling in general for your natural hair? We cover all the natural hair care fundamentals and more in our consumer education platform, The SeeSomeCurls Visual Library.
Our 900+ community of tight curl + naturals are shaving more than 50% of time off their wash day, being showered left and right with hair compliments, and are receiving direct support of a very encouraging community of tight curlies + naturals who have been exactly where you are.