3 Common Misconceptions About Grey Natural Hair
While grey hair can have a mind of its own, there is one unique aspect that can set it apart from natural colored hair which is the surface texture, which doesn’t get addressed.
“Surface texture is defined as the natural appearance of your hair. It can range from rough and crinkly to silky and glassy, to smooth and cottony. The surface appearance of all three textures can range from cotton candy to glassy sleek.”
For grey natural hair, the surface texture is heavily influenced by the cuticle, which is the outer layer of the hair strand that lifts and allows the hair strand to absorb water. Grey hair can sometimes have up to 25 layers of cuticle. This blog post will outline 3 common misconceptions regarding grey hair.
Misconception #1: Grey Hair Needs Specific Products Designed For Grey Hair
The belief that grey hair naturals need to use a different set of products specifically designed for grey hair is a common misconception that we often address with subscribers in our digital course community—The SeeSomeCurls Visual Library.
This belief couldn’t be the furthest thing from the truth. Product companies often market to the insecurities of grey hair naturals that their hair is “unruly” and needs specific products to address these challenges.
As we always say, products are simply tools. We must first understand the behavior of our hair in order to learn to work with our greys. Oftentimes, this is simply just a tweak in your technique which involves a little more product, water and added smoothing/raking.
Misconception #2: Grey Hair Is Difficult To Style
Mastering styling techniques such as wash and go’s or twist outs can take time for many naturals—especially if you weren’t traditionally a “hair” person. And you know what? That is okay!
“The most challenging concept that we have come across in our time working with tight curl + naturals is getting them to accept the behavior of their grey hair and learning to work with it instead of against it.”
We like to define “signature styles” as something that you can do on your own with little to no effort. For those that have been doing their own hair prior to being natural this will likely be a simple process. Improving styling techniques and product application methods coupled with the appropriate styling products will be game changing.
Misconception #3: One Specific Routine Will Work For All Grey Hair
Hair care is comprehensive, meaning there is no “one size fits all” routine designed to address grey hair. You will still need to assess the behavior of your hair coupled with it’s unique Essential Elements in order to develop a solid hair care routine that fits within your lifestyle.
“The Essential Elements of Hair are defined as the generally accepted principles (GAP) in the study of hair understood by cosmetologists, dermatologists and lay people alike. They include: texture, surface texture, density, porosity, elasticity, curl diameter, hydration level, climate, lifestyle and water quality.”
Are you a grey hair natural that needs help learning how to care for your hair? We cover fundamental hair care knowledge and more in our digital course community—The SeeSomeCurls Visual Library.
Our 1.2K+ course community of tight curl + naturals are shaving more than 50% of time off their wash day, being showered left and right with hair compliments, and are receiving direct support of a very encouraging community of tight curlies + naturals who have been exactly where you are.